Joyful Beat
The Heart Chamber
The first unroofing of a myocardial bridge in Michigan with Kathy Hoseth- 18
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -35:04

The first unroofing of a myocardial bridge in Michigan with Kathy Hoseth- 18

Kathy Hoseth was the first patient to be unroofed for her myocardial bridge in the state of Michigan at age 58. She began experiencing symptoms at age 8 from a myocardial bridge but would not receive the diagnosis until age 58. Throughout childhood, she couldn't catch her breath, her legs hurt, and she just didn't feel right. She even passed out when standing in line for too long in high school. She kept living her life, had two boys in her 20s and even went back to school as a mom. She had her first ER visit during college and was discounted as having stress. She kept going back to the doctor and was diagnosed with pleurisy as well as pericarditis. She was told to take Motrin. She kept living her life. Then, she bought a Fitbit and noticing her heart rate which would be as high as 185. After several more doctors and a heart monitor, Kathy spoke up and said "my inner voice said something is not right." Finally, she had a nuclear stress test and heart catherization which found the myocardial bridge. BUT! Then she was put on medications which did not help. Finally, Kathy had another heart catherization with a female doctor who could see how significant her bridge was. Thanks to Spectrum Health Hospitals for performing the first unroofing procedure at that facility. Kathy is now living her best life. She reflects at the end about how heart surgery changed her. Boots also weaves in some of her story with Kathy's including her ridiculous experience attempting to participate in track in high school.

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Transcript: Joyful Beat | The Heart Chamber (

The Heart Chamber (@theheartchamberpodcast)

Thanks to Michael Moeri for being my right hand man. Michael Moeri - Audio Editor, Podcast Producer and Marketing Director

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Joyful Beat
The Heart Chamber
Join Boots Knighton every Tuesday a podcast on hope, inspiration and healing on The Heart Chamber: patient stories from open-heart surgery to recovery highlights patients' physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual experiences of open-heart surgery. Health care providers also come on the show to provide different perspectives for not only making healing process less daunting but also more than possible to living your best life better than before surgery.